Friday, April 2, 2021




“Priya is dead. They killed her.” Sarita was shaking like a leaf as she ran up to her daughter

Bindu`s eyes widened with fear and her heart thumped against her chest. “What? How? Who killed her?” she squeaked.

“They did. I always told both of you to follow the traditions. You can`t do such things. Falling in love, taking your own decisions etc.   You have to stop meeting Amit.”

“But I haven’t seen him since last week and Ma he is a Hindu…”

“That doesn’t matter. He is a Chamar.”

“Ma please. You can talk some sense into them. Caste doesn’t matter. We love each other.”

“It matters”. Sarita muttered stonily. “I listened to my brothers and lived and you have to do the same…” She snatched Bindu`s phone. “I want at least one of my daughters to live. You cannot deny me that by falling in love with a Chamar.

“Ma please! He is educated. We can live in Delhi or Mumbai or maybe Hyderabad. No one needs to know” Bindu pleaded.

“Priya thought the same didn’t she. And now she`s dead. But you are alive and I won`t let you die.”

The next day the headlines claimed-Prominent politicians newly-married daughter dies in a road accident.

Hordes of mourners crowded at their bungalow in the morning, expressing sorrow at the tragic death of their beloved Priya.

Bindu screamed and pleaded and howled. For days. And nights. And months. But she lived. They ensured she did.  


Chamar- a dalit community in India



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Deepti Menon said...

Poignant and hard-hitting! A wonderful read!

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Thank you!

Arti said...

The last line is gut wrenchingly good.
And the surprise reveal that she's a politician's daughter--powerful.
Question: Does this still happen in India?

my space said...

@Deepti- Thank you

@Arti- of course it does..

Pradeep Nair said...

Sad Priya lost her life. Or her life was taken away.
I wonder what life Bindu lived, the life her parents ensured that she lived.
There might be so many Bindus living "such lives".

Ira Mishra said...

This is such a heart wrenching story... And I guess sadly true still in some parts

my space said...

@Pradeep-unfortunately many Bindus- as for how Bindu lived-another story another day

@Ira yes it is -many parts :-(