Sunday, April 18, 2021


O is for Ojaswani


“How can you do that? What will I tell Mohit? And my in-laws? My Mom is divorcing Dad after 32 years of marriage. Why Ma?”

She sighed, “you know why.”

“But Mom. What`s the point now? After 32 years. You might as well just hang on for…”

“Hang on for? For what? Am I not entitled to live my life the way I want to?”

“Of course, Mom. But like why divorce? Do your things. Don`t listen to him.”

“I want to live not survive and fight and sulk and…”

“He won`t let you leave. You know that. You have tried it so many times.”

“Yes, but I no longer have young children or old in-laws… there`s nothing to hold me back.”

“Have you told Vikki?”

“Not yet. I will text you my new address.”

“Mom, please don`t do it. Why do you have to do so much drama?”

“Standing up for yourself-even if its taken you 32 years- is drama?”

 She disconnected the call dejectedly and called Vikki.

“I am moving out beta.”

“Oh! When?”

“In another hour or so. My bags are packed. I have booked a cab.”

“You have a place to live Mom? You can stay with me.”

“I know. But I have my own place. As of now a barsaati. I am really excited.”

“Hahaha. I am sure you will make a home out of it soon,” he said softly. “Text me your address Mom. I will send you a house warming gift!”

She smiled as she disconnected the call.

 She picked up her bags and walked out of the house she had lived in for 32 years. The cab was waiting outside for her. She didn`t look back even once as she stashed her bags and the cab sped to the main-road.

She smiled. She was on her way home.

This year, I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z  powered by




Raun said...

More power to those who need it. It's unfortunate how lives get entangled sometime. Great story

Penelope Potty Snooper said...

Good for her to leave a bad marriage. After a woman has done her 'duty' there is no need for her to suffer anymore. I'm glad your heroine is going to finally have a life of her own. And I'm glad her son supports her.

Arti said...

So well captured Arti.
How strange that two children born to the same set of parents can see the world so differently! And freedom at any age is worth walking towards:)

my space said...

@Raun Thanks is unfortunate

@bellybytes I am so glad too that she finally decided to do that !

@Arti- Yes it definitely is- I have seen so many of them give up because -its so late in the day! And children are different individuals and so many of them have such polarized views.

Deepika Sharma said...

Absolutely pertinent post. Even after 32 years ladies need to justify moving out. Both the kids perspectives you have depicted very well
Deepika Sharma from A2Z

my space said...

@Deepika- sadly yes its not easy for them...pls share your blog-link

@Raun- please share your blog link

SG said...

Glad she had the guts to make this decision. More power to her.

Chinmayee Gayatree Sahu said...

This is such a heart-touching tale! Women take it all the time and when they decide to go on the extreme path, it is only because they can not have it more !! Very well crafted .

my space said...

@ SG I am glad too...thanks for reading

@ Chinmayee Thank you!

Deborah Weber said...

What a wonderful empowering story!

my space said...

@ Deborah Thank you so much. Thanks for dropping by :-)

Rajeev Moothedath said...


Ira Mishra said...

Good she stood her ground... I wish she could have done it earlier