Monday, April 26, 2021


V is for Vidhi


“How liberal is your husband! So forthcoming. He has never stopped you from pursuing your career,” Mini screamed.

“Yes. He has never stopped me because he has been busy pushing me.”

Mini declared, “Well, you are really a thankless woman! He is so supportive!! Here is a husband who is letting you travel for work and you want to complain. What more do you want?”

“I just want to be. Not be a Trophy wife he can flaunt at every gathering. I want to spend time with the girls. Can I not decide what I want from life? It`s not that we need the money. I can work flexi-hours. I am happy to not climb the ladder.”

“Talk about whiny women. Here you have a plum opportunity, a supportive husband and you want to complain. So what if he pushes you? That is the reason you have reached so far!”

“Don`t you get it. I don`t want to.”

“You can`t decide suddenly that you don’t want to. Not after all that he has sacrificed for you. He didn’t take up the overseas posting. He chose to be home when you had to travel. He loves you.  It is payback time now. You have to do what he says. Don`t say no to this opportunity.”

“Payback ? My own husband? Is it even love or just a well-planned transaction?”

This year, I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z  powered by


  1. Well, that's the story of every other person. We love what other people do in their lives but other's dreams are different.
    Nicely written.

  2. Interesting story... It appears everyone wants something that they do not have at present. If the situation was ulta, grouse would have been that I am not given space to grow my career to the top!Always seeing the glass half empty- A generation of... what word did you use in the story, yes "Whiners'. By the way, this applies to both males and females.

  3. @Geethica...exactly

    @Rajeev...yes but its also about letting a person choose what they want in life

  4. The grass is always greener in the neighbour's lawn!

  5. The lack of freedom to choose what we want. Either version is found in so many lives. :(

  6. The husband should understand what the wife really wants. Not just push her into his ideas and ambition.

  7. @Arti- ALWAYS!!!

    @Srivalli yes it is :-(

    @SG That`s the problem

  8. Unlike "needs", "wants" are always ticky! One really doesn't know. And it keeps changing!

  9. Very nice story Arti. Sadly that's the truth... The ones who stay at home and are not allowed to work and for those who are pushed to work and not allowed to take it easy. In the first case well it is more of a cultural mindset... But the second case is pure greed. Unfortunately these days the second case is also becoming visible.

  10. @Pradeep...Yea wants are tricky :-)

    @Ira Yes Ira It is sad that now its the other way round

  11. The point is that humans are never satisfied. Like @arti said grass is always greener on the other side!
    Well written.
